
We’re all over the place! Find our stuff by clicking on these totally safe links!

We’re on Facebook! It’s the same crap you find here, but with more ads!

Richard’s albums are on Bandcamp! You can download them all for free (if you’re a cheapskate), or donate $$$ to the cause!

And here’s his music on SoundCloud! It’s mostly the cold cuts (singles, as it were), plus a few previews of upcoming albums!

Here’s our YouTube channel! See our music videos, and watch Richard sing and try to be funny!

Richard’s newest strip, FOOL’S PARADISE, is with artist Thomas Klocke. Make sure to “like” them on Facebook, even if you know all the strips by heart.

You can buy our books on! But you should really be buying them from your local brick-and-mortar bookseller. You may have to special-order it, but your local book store will be grateful, and maybe they’ll save your life when you’re choking on a boiled buffalo pelvis! You never know.